
The Professional Farm Services Ltd (PFS) business and retail shop were established in 1984.

Dave and Lynda McMillan, the current owners, purchased the Company in 1990 and have grown it from its original staff of three up to eighteen in the time since.

The McMillan's started off in Taranaki in the 1980s with McMillan Farm Services Limited. After 8 years operating in Coastal Taranaki they sold that business and made the move to Cambridge.


            McMillan Farm Services Early Days 2-346

         PFS shop2-339 The growth of PFS  has included the substantial expansion of its Cambridge premises on the corner of Albert and Queen Streets.

“We started off in a small building just down the road from here and bought the the then original building we’re in now about six months after we started,” Dave says. “We then knew that we needed to expand our workshop facilities to be able to offer our customers an increasingly improving service and capability. As a result we purchased the neighbouring site, demolishing the building and rebuilding our current workshops.”

The workshop now has special areas allocated for stainless steel welding and fabrication, a pump testing rig, pump servicing and a machine shop for the vacuum pump reconditioning. This trebled the size of the premises and gives the staff quality space in which to operate. New offices were also built upstairs to cater for the growing team.
              PFS shop4

Hautapu Fans (1)-3
Our commitment to expanding our services to customers saw the purchase and specialised fabrication of a four wheel drive, ex forestry, truck and which a xx tonne MAN hi-ab was intergrated.

                  Water Systems Cambridge Waikato

Come meet us at our retail outlet and workshops
Water Pumps Cambridge Waikato07 827-3591

Cnr Queen & Albert Street

PO Box 193
Cambridge 3450
NZMPTA prefoot-image
Professional Farm Services Location
Pumping Systems
Milking Systems
Electrical Systems
Effluent Systems